Saturday, January 30, 2010

New Year's Resolution 2,010 miles in 2010

We have all made New Years resolutions that have required us to somehow change or give more of ourselves than we feel we ever have before. We create a mind set, that some how, this year will be different. This year, I will change, I will be different. I will become better. 
For me, 2010 was no different. I spent a long while contemplating how this new decade would be different than the 2 I had experienced before. What have I always set out to change but had not quite been altered to my specifications?
 I am an avid runner of sorts. Well I don't know if I would actually put myself in the elite category of "Runner" as the greats: Paula Ratcliff( who is my idol of sorts, you will find out one day why),  Joan Benoit, and Deanna Kastor. However, I enjoy putting on running shoes, sweating to some tunes on the IPod and adding miles to my Nike+. One day I hope this qualifies me to be that "runner."  On that same note, shortly after Christmas day came and went, while contemplating the pending question "What will my resolution be?" I came across a challenge on Nike+. This challenge was intriguing at first sight. Not realizing the intricacies of the goal, I decided to sign up for the challenge right away. The title: 2,010 miles in 2010. NOW THAT'S A GOAL. After I accepted the challenge I was shouting to the hubby, that I found my resolution and let him know that basics. His first question, one I had not thought of, was how many miles is that a day. Still with pep in my voice and spring in my fingers I quickly calculated the math to reveal a daunting task that lay ahead.

 5.5 miles a day. 

Could I really do this? Can a person that never classified herself as a runner achieve this feat? I can RUN, which I suppose is a good start. But, WOW, every day for the next 365 days- 5.5 miles. This is not taking into account if I miss a day. Heaven forbid I have a sick day or get stuck in an airport for a day of standby flights (thank you, Lisa). I told myself it didn't matter. This is a new year, 2010 is a new DECADE. I can do this. Little goals, daily goals are what matters. On January 1st I ran 5.6 miles. Ahead of my goal already- life is going to be different.

I put my goal on Facebook, I gave daily updates to all my real and virtual friends. I have accountability now.

7 days into my goal I wanted to quit.

Gee, That didn't take long. Day 7-I ran 2 miles. How could I keep this up?  
Time Requirements: Over an hour at the gym, everyday, without fail was more than daunting, it felt impossible. However, the next 4 days were spent making it up. 7 miles here, 8 miles there. Finally, I came a conclusion. If I can add one or 2 miles on to a regular run, I can take that much needed break each week. So here we are- 1 month in, only 4 miles behind my goal. It has been a journey to say the least. 11 months lie ahead, 1,849 miles to go. The journey in front of me is not only physical, but a test of will, strength, and sanity. Join me on my first attempt to blog my way through a New Years Resolution. For now, I have "miles to go before I sleep."