Monday, May 17, 2010

"If you run, you are a runner. It doesn't matter how fast or how far. It doesn't matter if today is your first day or if you have been running for twenty years. There is no test to pass, no license to earn, no membership card to get. You just run." - John Bingham
I'd like to add...It doesn't matter how long it is between runs, you are still a runner. It has been one month since I have laced up. I'd almost forgotten was it was like to sweat, but then summer came one weekend and the temperature was 80 with 90% humidity and one
does not forget how to sweat in those conditions. But I did misplace the
freedom I feel when I am away from complacency.
Don't get me wrong, every once in a while it is great to
veg out on the couch with a list of Tivo to catch up on (especially when it is a week full of General Hospital.. oh! Dante Falconari)

But what a completely different sense of accomplishment after a 5-mile jog with your shirt drenched, hair slicked, and a little pink in the cheeks. I have become a runner again. After a lofty goal, was set and dropped, I've brought myself to continue on this journey. Running also helps me deal with stresses of everyday life and also the new stress that entered my life a year ago. The stress of trying to get pregnant. For our first two years of marriage, the hubby and I worked diligently at taking precautions for our "honeymoon period" to last as long as planned. We decided after my marathon, we would stop taking "precautions." In my mind, it was probably only going to take a matter of weeks.(In fairy tales everything happens when you want it to, doesn't it?) Well, here we are a year and a half later still enjoying that proverbial "honeymoon period." So far the fertility meds aren't kicking in as quickly as my feet are during speed work. And as any woman who has played this fertility game knows, it is a little frustrating not scoring a goal, while watching everyone else around you enjoy their prego-ness goals. This includes many of my 14,15,16-year old students. I am trying to rest in the idea that God has a plan for my life and he knows what lies ahead and it is going to be great. So, running is a way to prepare my body for all the obstacles of motherhood, weather the baby grows under or in my heart. I'm well aware it will take me being in the best shape of my life, so that is why I'm ok with the miles to go before I sleep.

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