Yesterday was a big day in MY running world. I was able to push myself to achieve a goal that I thought was actually out of reach. My goal: a 10-mile run. I started off pretty excited because it was going to be my first outdoor run in several weeks/months. (Winter seems to lasts forever around here) The sun was shining, birds were singing and the heat was up to 67 degrees. A
runner couldn't ask for better conditions. Slowly I am becoming one!) The daunting task is thinking about the 10 miles ahead while filling up my water bottle, wondering what and how many snacks to pack. It just seams like such a long distance.
They say you should eat/snack 45 minutes into your run if you know you're going to be running longer than an hour. So I have to have some PowerBar /gummy bears (to change my mouth taste) around mile 4-4.5. Carrying water is always a struggle because it weighs so much and jiggles. But I have a trusty fanny pack for my running luggage. A spot for the water bottle and pockets for any treats. (I am well aware of the fact that I look like a child from the 80's. The pack is very similar to the ones my mom made us wear as children on our seasonal trips to Disney World. Gee-thanks Mom!)
But just like back then, it is actually very handy.
With my fanny pack packed, shoes tied tight and IPod fully charged I was ready to embark on my running journey for the day. It was going well. Five songs played through without me struggling. I usually play a game to get through some of my runs. My first 3 songs are sung by boy artists and the next 3 are sung by girls. It continues to switch through out my workout. Each set of song allows me to finish a mile(give or take). This lets me focus on how far or how long I need to continue my pace. It also takes my mind off the road or treadmill. So, like I said, 5 songs in and the run was good, until My big event happened. I tripped. I stumbled over the uneven pavement and went down hands first, feet over my head and tumbled to a complete stop on the grass. I must have looked like complete idiot. ( like the blond below)

Thank goodness for grass!!! I had some grass stains on my hands and knee, but no blood. I could feel a little pain in my hip and wrist but over all I was OK. I got up, brushed myself off and had to make a decision. Do I turn around and go home or continue on my way. Turning around now, I could chalk up that I trekked almost 4 miles. However, that was shortening my goal by more than 6 miles. Yet, If I continue there is no one to pick me up if I start hurting down the road. Choices. 6 months ago, I would have turned around and not though twice. This is not then. This is a new year with a new attitude.
There was no turning around. I had a goal to meet and that was what I was going to do. Keeping my time, I had to pick up the pace. Falling down doesn't do much for the clock. I hit my turn around point, while eating 1/2 my PowerBar, (in 5 minutes longer than I was aiming for-10:55 pace). I took a short stretch break and noticed my hip was a little tight and this was just too bad, because I decided I was going to beat the time I had and aim for negative splits. (negative splits- less time spent and on the 2nd half than on the first.) So I started booking it. stretching out my strides, picking up my heals so they would be closer to literally kicking my butt. In less words: Running. I was able to cut 9 minutes off and take my pace to 9:30 per mile, which is pretty good for my short stubby legs. I finally made it home.

Shortly upon arriving home, I was tired, the run was over and I sat down. I quickly had a revelation; either my age was catching up to me quicker than ever before or my adrenalin was wearing off. Either way my hip began to throb. I grabbed my medicine cabinet favorite (Ibuprofen) hoping it would solve my problem. Then just hung out for the rest of the day.
Hubby came home from work and got his laugh out of the situation because he couldn't figure out how I just tripped. jerk. (not really, he is a nice guy, he just laughs at everything-especially me) We went to bed. Sleeping was painful.
I woke up this morning feeling like an old man. My hip joint was as stiff as _______(fill in what ever simile you feel would fit best.) I could barely get out of bed, walk down the stairs or bend down to get the Sunday paper for my coupon clipping. So today I will not be running. I know this does not bode well for my goal, but I will have to make it up this week. For now, I am on the injured reserve list, hanging out with Kitty and Fat-dog. Happy Sunday! Today will be different than any otherbecause I don't have ANY "miles to go before I sleep."