For me, 2010 was no different. I spent a long while contemplating how this new decade would be different than the 2 I had experienced before. What have I always set out to change but had not quite been altered to my specifications?
I am an avid runner of sorts. Well I don't know if I would actually put myself in the elite category of "Runner" as the greats: Paula Ratcliff( who is my idol of sorts, you will find out one day why), Joan Benoit, and Deanna Kastor. However, I enjoy putting on running shoes, sweating to some tunes on the IPod and adding miles to my Nike+. One day I hope this qualifies me to be that "runner." On that same note, shortly after Christmas day came and went, while contemplating the pending question "What will my resolution be?" I came across a challenge on Nike+. This challenge was intriguing at first sight. Not realizing the intricacies of the goal, I decided to sign up for the challenge right away. The title: 2,010 miles in 2010. NOW THAT'S A GOAL. After I accepted the challenge I was shouting to the hubby, that I found my resolution and let him know that basics. His first question, one I had not thought of, was how many miles is that a day. Still with pep in my voice and spring in my fingers I quickly calculated the math to reveal a daunting task that lay ahead.
5.5 miles a day.
Could I really do this? Can a person that never classified herself as a runner achieve this feat? I can RUN, which I suppose is a good start. But, WOW, every day for the next 365 days- 5.5 miles. This is not taking into account if I miss a day. Heaven forbid I have a sick day or get stuck in an airport for a day of standby flights (thank you, Lisa). I told myself it didn't matter. This is a new year, 2010 is a new DECADE. I can do this. Little goals, daily goals are what matters. On January 1st I ran 5.6 miles. Ahead of my goal already- life is going to be different.
I put my goal on Facebook, I gave daily updates to all my real and virtual friends. I have accountability now.
7 days into my goal I wanted to quit.
Gee, That didn't take long. Day 7-I ran 2 miles. How could I keep this up?
Time Requirements: Over an hour at the gym, everyday, without fail was more than daunting, it felt impossible. However, the next 4 days were spent making it up. 7 miles here, 8 miles there. Finally, I came a conclusion. If I can add one or 2 miles on to a regular run, I can take that much needed break each week. So here we are- 1 month in, only 4 miles behind my goal. It has been a journey to say the least. 11 months lie ahead, 1,849 miles to go. The journey in front of me is not only physical, but a test of will, strength, and sanity. Join me on my first attempt to blog my way through a New Years Resolution. For now, I have "miles to go before I sleep."